There's a fair few vegan documentaries out there, all inspiring in their own right.
Of course, the majority of videos rightly focus heavily on the subject of stopping the cruelty to animals, but then there's the other positive aspects to going vegan too – such as having a healthier mind and body, developing a leaner physique and helping save the planet.
So in this post I've put together 7 of the best vegan documentaries, capturing each aspect of what we call The' Vegan Triangle', which is stopping unnecessary cruelty to animals, nurturing the planet to grow nutrient-rich fruit and vegetables, and enjoying better health and wellbeing.
You might need a few sittings to watch all these videos, so be sure to bookmark the page. Enjoy!
Hi Peter.
Thank you for posting this. I am new to veganism and became vegan for dietary reasons (I am allergic to egg). However since becoming vegan I have become aware of the issues. I have not watched all the videos yet but Gary Yourovskys’s was very powerful. I part company with him over textured soya products, made to look like meat. I think this is dishonest. As dishonest as eating an animal you are not prepared to kill. However he makes a very strong case for veganism e.g I still wear leather shoes and less seriously a wool pullover.
I have been a concerned envionmentalist all my life and try to live lightly. I use the car less and less. I have turned off the freezer and preserve food by bottling and drying instead. Last winter I turned down the central heating thermostat to 10 degrees and wore multiple layers of clothes.
There is a danger, however, in becoming a religious fanatic about these things and I believe we need to respect other peoples opinions even if we find them abhorrent.
Sep 16, 2018 at 8:15 am
Hi Ian,
I’m not a fan of “fake meats” that look like burgers, sausages, etc., but mainly from a nutritional standpoint. I’m also not really into making things look like meat. But hey, if people can’t live without bacon but are prepared to eat bacon that looks and tastes like bacon, but doesn’t require the exploitation and slaughter of animals, and is more environmentally friendly, then that is surely a better way to go.
What I find is that those new to a plant-based diet are enticed by vegan meats and cheeses because it aids the transition from a meat-based to a plant-based diet, but once time goes by they focus more on nutrition and reduce the amount of mock meats they eat and opt for healthier whole foods choices.
I never see vegansim as religious. This is real, not a fairy tale. It is happening now, in front of our eyes and we have control over it.
Animals suffer on an immeasurable scale, unnecessarily. Our health is suffering as a result, too, and so is the environment. Just have a look at this infograhic on how animal agriculture affects the envionment.
I can listen and discuss people’s opinions, but I won’t respect an opinion that simply boils down to: “I eat meat because I want to and I don’t care that animals suffer and are slaughtered unnecessary, and neither do I care that animal agriculture is destroying the planet (rainforests, oceans, species extinction, air pollution), and neither do I care about the impact to my health or to that of children who are being taught to eat carcinogenic, high cholesterol, high saturated fat, low fibre diets”.
It’s insane. And it’s insane not to speak out about this. Science shows all this to be true.
It sounds like you do care, and that’s great to hear. I wish you all the best!
Sep 17, 2018 at 9:08 am
What a lot of sense you talk Peter. makes me feel good that people like you are in the world.
Sep 17, 2018 at 1:23 pm
thank you for your eye opening documentaries.. your vegan friend from Ethiopia
Sep 10, 2018 at 2:09 pm
No worries. Great to hear from you – all the way from Ethiopia!
Sep 10, 2018 at 2:29 pm
Gary is NOT kind. He is misanthropic sexist racist….
Jan 27, 2018 at 7:08 am
I’d disagree with the last two, but there’s probably truth in the first. But then can you blame him? It’s impossible to comprehend the unnecessary atrocities that humans commit on a daily basis. This eventually makes some people simply withdraw from society.
Jan 27, 2018 at 3:11 pm
He actually called Palestinians the scum of the Earth..thats not racist?
What about when a fellow vegan pointed this out as not productive to the vegan movement and GY telling her she shouldve been aborted? How is that ok? As i said before veganism = love for non humans and humans alike.
Sep 10, 2018 at 7:25 pm
Can you point me to the video footage where he says these things? I know that his stance is that anyone who pays someone else to kill animals unnecessarily is evil. This applies to Palestinians, Jews, English, American, French, whoever. So are you sure it wasn’t in that context?
Sep 10, 2018 at 8:01 pm
Ooh, that Earthlings is so hard to watch but I forced myself and I think everyone should to understand the truth. Thanks for sharing.
Mar 05, 2015 at 2:49 pm
Wow! So many powerful videos here. Frank Medrano’s workout is beyond human, and Gary’s passion and kindness is truly inspirational. I’ll get around to watching the rest tomorrow.
Feb 28, 2015 at 2:20 pm